Summer is in swing here in the northern hemisphere, and, for many, that means more time outside. Exposure to the sun is important for producing vitamin D, but it also comes with some risks. The UV rays in sunlight are considered to be a complete carcinogen, meaning they can not only initiate cancer, but also promote its progression and spread. Visit this topic page to read more about skin cancer, and check out videos like The Risks and Benefits of Sensible Sun Exposure and Preventing Skin Cancer from the Inside Out.
Recipe: Cauliflower Alfredo Linguini
This recipe uses blended cauliflower to make a rich creamy sauce, giving you a dose of cruciferous veggies while foregoing the fat of heavy cream. It features roasted asparagus, but broccoli or leafy greens are other great options. Get the free recipe here, and go to our Instagram for a video on how it’s made.
Double Your Donation
One of our amazing supporters has agreed to match all donations up to a total of $20,000! Double your impact by making a gift to by supporting us here today.
Volunteer Spotlight: Jessica Collier
“In my volunteer role at NutritionFacts, I am a blog editor, which means that I turn raw text from Dr. Greger’s video transcripts into blog posts. I have been a volunteer for about five years, but time flies when you’re having fun. It’s great to be part of a community of people working to share science-based, life-changing nutrition information with the world. Because I come from a family who struggles with preventable health issues, this work is especially meaningful to me.
My favorite recipe is the Chickpea and Cauliflower Curry from The How Not to Die Cookbook.”
Volunteer Translators Needed
Our videos are viewed in nearly every country in the world, and each video on and YouTube has subtitles in English and many other languages. If you have a background in professional translation and would like to join our team of volunteers, please consider applying here. (And check out my message!)
We are especially seeking contributors for French, German, Russian, Spanish, and Vietnamese.
Get the Daily Dozen App
My Daily Dozen was created to help inspire you to incorporate the healthiest foods into your diet every day, and my app makes it easy to track! Visit our Daily Dozen page to download the free app and for more information, a how-to video, and an FAQ.
Top Three Videos
Foods to Help Protect Your Arteries from Saturated Fat If you’re going to have something unhealthy, is there anything you can eat with it to help mediate the damage it may cause?
Natural Dietary Remedies for Insomnia Lactucin, the hypnotic component of lettuce, is put to the test in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of lettuce seeds.
Fewer Than 1 in 5,000 Meet Sodium and Potassium Recommended Intakes Nearly all Americans fail to get even the minimum recommended potassium intake or stay below the recommended sodium intake.
In health,
Michael Greger, M.D.
PS: If you haven’t yet, you can subscribe to my free videos here and watch my live, year-in-review presentations:
2019: Evidence-Based Weight Loss
2016: How Not To Die: The Role of Diet in Preventing, Arresting, and Reversing Our Top 15 Killers
2015: Food as Medicine: Preventing and Treating the Most Dreaded Diseases with Diet
2014: From Table to Able: Combating Disabling Diseases with Food
2013: More Than an Apple a Day
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